New Year + Same You

Friends in Christ,

Happy New Year! I always chuckle around the new year because of all the cliché statements that fly around on social media, in advertising, and from actual people. The calendar turns over and all of a sudden everything supposedly changes. This is gonna be my year! This is you chance to start over and make a difference! Despite a study from Columbia University discovering that less than 10% of New Year's resolutions reach their goal, many of us still make them.

There's something alluring about a "do over" or a "fresh start." I think part of it is a desire to improve ourselves and better our lives. We know we can do better and we commit to trying. There's nothing wrong with that; in fact, it can be very commendable. I think an even larger part, however, is a feeling that we have to improve ourselves. That if we're not better, we run the risk of losing love and meaning and purpose in our lives. It's the ever-present desire to justify ourselves before God and the world. 

If the improvement you're hoping to make includes getting a particular sinful habit out of your life, go for it. And let me know how I can help. If the improvement you're hoping to make is adding something more sanctified to your life (more time in God's Word, God's House, prayer, etc.), go for it. And let me know how I can help. These are God-pleasing changes and He promises His Spirit to help, strengthen, and encourage your endeavors. 

But if you're simply looking to have a "new year; new you" because you think there's something lacking about yourself, that you have to improve yourself to a certain degree "or else." If you think God is prepared to turn His back on you in 2025 unless you make some significant improvements, I've got news for you. Let 2025 be a "new year" but for the "same you." Jesus loved the 2024 version of you enough to die for him/her. And nothing you do or don't do will change that in 2025. "Same you" means your baptism is still valid. That the promises of the absolution and Jesus' resurrection still apply to you. It means that your Heavenly Bridegroom is still head-over-heels in love with you. 

So take comfort friends: if you join 90% of people whose new year's resolution will fail, your God and His lovingkindness for you never will. "New year; new you" can be a powerfully motivating thing. For those of us who have some serious changes to make, God bless our efforts to live lives in conformity with His will. But for those who are content to remain what we were in 2024: children of God, sinners in need of God's forgiveness and saints redeemed in the blood of Christ, heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, etc; God grant us peace in who He's made us by His grace. 

In Christ our Savior,

Pastor Bater


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