
Adult Bible Class

  • 3415 Erbes Road Thousand Oaks, CA, 91362 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Over the next couple months, we’ll make our way through the Gospel of Mark, arguably the most neglected of the four Gospels due to its short length. Though it is brief, it is jam-packed with salvific content of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. In it, we’ll also meet and discuss the many whom Jesus heals, consoles, restores, and sets free; and in them we will see our Savior who cares even for the “least of these.” One Bible commentator noted, “Mark’s Gospel is a race to the cross!”

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Adult Catechesis

It's NEVER too late to join! This class is a vital part of our ministry here at Prince of Peace. It provides a thorough introduction or review of the major teachings of the Bible and is one my favorite classes to teach. I would LOVE for you to be a part of it! We offer this class year round for various types of people, including those who:

  1. are curious what the Bible teaches or have questions about God, religion, spirituality, etc; 

  2. are interested in formally joining our congregation and want to learn what it believes and confesses;

  3. are already members of our congregation and desire a refresher of the Bible's message of grace and to grow in their faith. 

There is NO commitment required following your completion of the class. You're welcome to just attend, listen, ask questions, challenge what is said, and participate as you feel comfortable. Please reach out with any further questions. 

You can attend this class in person--we meet in the chapel from 6:30-7:30pm. Or, if you prefer, you can attend virtually from home on Zoom.

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Bible Class: Martin Luther on Mental Health

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)

Martin Luther was not an expert on mental health. Those weren't buzzwords in the 1500s like they are today; they weren't even really a topic of conversation. That being said, Luther was an expert when it comes to teaching and applying Scripture. When Christians struggle with their mental health today, the first place many go is the church. By evaluating Luther’s Letters of Spiritual Consolation in which he addresses issues like anxiety and depression, author, Dr. Stephen Saunders seeks to equip Christians with a resource on supporting their struggling loved ones with Scripture and medically-sound advice.

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Bible Class: Martin Luther on Mental Health

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)

Martin Luther was not an expert on mental health. Those weren't buzzwords in the 1500s like they are today; they weren't even really a topic of conversation. That being said, Luther was an expert when it comes to teaching and applying Scripture. When Christians struggle with their mental health today, the first place many go is the church. By evaluating Luther’s Letters of Spiritual Consolation in which he addresses issues like anxiety and depression, author, Dr. Stephen Saunders seeks to equip Christians with a resource on supporting their struggling loved ones with Scripture and medically-sound advice.

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Adult Catechesis

It's NEVER too late to join! This class is a vital part of our ministry here at Prince of Peace. It provides a thorough introduction or review of the major teachings of the Bible and is one my favorite classes to teach. I would LOVE for you to be a part of it! We offer this class year round for various types of people, including those who:

  1. are curious what the Bible teaches or have questions about God, religion, spirituality, etc; 

  2. are interested in formally joining our congregation and want to learn what it believes and confesses;

  3. are already members of our congregation and desire a refresher of the Bible's message of grace and to grow in their faith. 

There is NO commitment required following your completion of the class. You're welcome to just attend, listen, ask questions, challenge what is said, and participate as you feel comfortable. Please reach out with any further questions. 

You can attend this class in person--we meet in the chapel from 6:30-7:30pm. Or, if you prefer, you can attend virtually from home on Zoom.

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Bible Class: Martin Luther on Mental Health

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)

Martin Luther was not an expert on mental health. Those weren't buzzwords in the 1500s like they are today; they weren't even really a topic of conversation. That being said, Luther was an expert when it comes to teaching and applying Scripture. When Christians struggle with their mental health today, the first place many go is the church. By evaluating Luther’s Letters of Spiritual Consolation in which he addresses issues like anxiety and depression, author, Dr. Stephen Saunders seeks to equip Christians with a resource on supporting their struggling loved ones with Scripture and medically-sound advice.

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Adult Catechesis

It's NEVER too late to join! This class is a vital part of our ministry here at Prince of Peace. It provides a thorough introduction or review of the major teachings of the Bible and is one my favorite classes to teach. I would LOVE for you to be a part of it! We offer this class year round for various types of people, including those who:

  1. are curious what the Bible teaches or have questions about God, religion, spirituality, etc; 

  2. are interested in formally joining our congregation and want to learn what it believes and confesses;

  3. are already members of our congregation and desire a refresher of the Bible's message of grace and to grow in their faith. 

There is NO commitment required following your completion of the class. You're welcome to just attend, listen, ask questions, challenge what is said, and participate as you feel comfortable. Please reach out with any further questions. 

You can attend this class in person--we meet in the chapel from 6:30-7:30pm. Or, if you prefer, you can attend virtually from home on Zoom.

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Bible Class: Martin Luther on Mental Health

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)

Martin Luther was not an expert on mental health. Those weren't buzzwords in the 1500s like they are today; they weren't even really a topic of conversation. That being said, Luther was an expert when it comes to teaching and applying Scripture. When Christians struggle with their mental health today, the first place many go is the church. By evaluating Luther’s Letters of Spiritual Consolation in which he addresses issues like anxiety and depression, author, Dr. Stephen Saunders seeks to equip Christians with a resource on supporting their struggling loved ones with Scripture and medically-sound advice.

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Adult Catechesis

It's NEVER too late to join! This class is a vital part of our ministry here at Prince of Peace. It provides a thorough introduction or review of the major teachings of the Bible and is one my favorite classes to teach. I would LOVE for you to be a part of it! We offer this class year round for various types of people, including those who:

  1. are curious what the Bible teaches or have questions about God, religion, spirituality, etc; 

  2. are interested in formally joining our congregation and want to learn what it believes and confesses;

  3. are already members of our congregation and desire a refresher of the Bible's message of grace and to grow in their faith. 

There is NO commitment required following your completion of the class. You're welcome to just attend, listen, ask questions, challenge what is said, and participate as you feel comfortable. Please reach out with any further questions. 

You can attend this class in person--we meet in the chapel from 6:30-7:30pm. Or, if you prefer, you can attend virtually from home on Zoom.

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Bible Class: Martin Luther on Mental Health

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)

Martin Luther was not an expert on mental health. Those weren't buzzwords in the 1500s like they are today; they weren't even really a topic of conversation. That being said, Luther was an expert when it comes to teaching and applying Scripture. When Christians struggle with their mental health today, the first place many go is the church. By evaluating Luther’s Letters of Spiritual Consolation in which he addresses issues like anxiety and depression, author, Dr. Stephen Saunders seeks to equip Christians with a resource on supporting their struggling loved ones with Scripture and medically-sound advice.

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Maundy/Holy Thursday Service

We celebrate Holy Communion on the night Jesus first instituted it. The service concludes with a moving account as the altar is stripped of all its linens and furnishings to remind us of how Jesus’ life was stripped from Him. This prepares us for the darkness of Good Friday. 

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Good Friday Service

This is one of the more moving and emotional services of the entire year. As we consider each of the statements Jesus made from His cross, the lights in the chapel are darkened until we finish the service in complete darkness and silence. 

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Easter Sunday Service

The greatest day of the year is here! Jesus lives and everything changes! Death is defeated and life eternal is secure! Our festival service will begin at 10am followed by an egg hunt for kids, a taco lunch, ice cream truck, and bounce house! Plan to stick around and spend the day with us as we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection.

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Bible Class: Martin Luther on Mental Health

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)

Martin Luther was not an expert on mental health. Those weren't buzzwords in the 1500s like they are today; they weren't even really a topic of conversation. That being said, Luther was an expert when it comes to teaching and applying Scripture. When Christians struggle with their mental health today, the first place many go is the church. By evaluating Luther’s Letters of Spiritual Consolation in which he addresses issues like anxiety and depression, author, Dr. Stephen Saunders seeks to equip Christians with a resource on supporting their struggling loved ones with Scripture and medically-sound advice.

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Adult Catechesis

It's NEVER too late to join! This class is a vital part of our ministry here at Prince of Peace. It provides a thorough introduction or review of the major teachings of the Bible and is one my favorite classes to teach. I would LOVE for you to be a part of it! We offer this class year round for various types of people, including those who:

  1. are curious what the Bible teaches or have questions about God, religion, spirituality, etc; 

  2. are interested in formally joining our congregation and want to learn what it believes and confesses;

  3. are already members of our congregation and desire a refresher of the Bible's message of grace and to grow in their faith. 

There is NO commitment required following your completion of the class. You're welcome to just attend, listen, ask questions, challenge what is said, and participate as you feel comfortable. Please reach out with any further questions. 

You can attend this class in person--we meet in the chapel from 6:30-7:30pm. Or, if you prefer, you can attend virtually from home on Zoom.

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Adult Bible Class

  • 3415 Erbes Road Thousand Oaks, CA, 91362 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Over the next couple months, we’ll make our way through the Gospel of Mark, arguably the most neglected of the four Gospels due to its short length. Though it is brief, it is jam-packed with salvific content of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. In it, we’ll also meet and discuss the many whom Jesus heals, consoles, restores, and sets free; and in them we will see our Savior who cares even for the “least of these.” One Bible commentator noted, “Mark’s Gospel is a race to the cross!”

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Bible Class: Martin Luther on Mental Health

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)

Martin Luther was not an expert on mental health. Those weren't buzzwords in the 1500s like they are today; they weren't even really a topic of conversation. That being said, Luther was an expert when it comes to teaching and applying Scripture. When Christians struggle with their mental health today, the first place many go is the church. By evaluating Luther’s Letters of Spiritual Consolation in which he addresses issues like anxiety and depression, author, Dr. Stephen Saunders seeks to equip Christians with a resource on supporting their struggling loved ones with Scripture and medically-sound advice.

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Adult Catechesis

It's NEVER too late to join! This class is a vital part of our ministry here at Prince of Peace. It provides a thorough introduction or review of the major teachings of the Bible and is one my favorite classes to teach. I would LOVE for you to be a part of it! We offer this class year round for various types of people, including those who:

  1. are curious what the Bible teaches or have questions about God, religion, spirituality, etc; 

  2. are interested in formally joining our congregation and want to learn what it believes and confesses;

  3. are already members of our congregation and desire a refresher of the Bible's message of grace and to grow in their faith. 

There is NO commitment required following your completion of the class. You're welcome to just attend, listen, ask questions, challenge what is said, and participate as you feel comfortable. Please reach out with any further questions. 

You can attend this class in person--we meet in the chapel from 6:30-7:30pm. Or, if you prefer, you can attend virtually from home on Zoom.

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Adult Bible Class

  • 3415 Erbes Road Thousand Oaks, CA, 91362 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Over the next couple months, we’ll make our way through the Gospel of Mark, arguably the most neglected of the four Gospels due to its short length. Though it is brief, it is jam-packed with salvific content of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. In it, we’ll also meet and discuss the many whom Jesus heals, consoles, restores, and sets free; and in them we will see our Savior who cares even for the “least of these.” One Bible commentator noted, “Mark’s Gospel is a race to the cross!”

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Bible Class: "Junk Drawer Jesus"

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)


Each of us is the owner of a seemingly random collection of theologies, doctrines, and superstitions—a junk drawer of religious ideas and influences.

  • It’s the witticisms your grandmother tossed around with ease that sounded like they came from a religious text.

  • It’s an insight about God from a half-heard sermon at a friend’s church.

  • It’s the mental screenshot of a meme shared on social media.

  • It’s the empowering idea you underlined in a book and wrote on a Post-it Note now forever affixed to your laptop.

These are the things stuffed in our spiritual junk drawers. And as with that stash of old clothes in the closet or that stew of phone chargers, pens, and half-used batteries sitting in your kitchen drawer, something in us says, “This might be useful.” And so we hold on.

But should we? For many, this junk drawer spirituality has become burdensome. We are worn down by the religious experience it creates and frustrated by a collection of traditions, “truths,” and unfulfilled promises that continue to grow. In Junk Drawer Jesus, the spiritually exhausted are invited to examine our religious clutter and compare it to the person and the promises of Jesus Christ.

We’ll discover what—if anything—of our spiritual collection should be kept. In the process, we rediscover the soul-satisfying simplicity of a God who refuses to fill our lives with junk but instead offers grace upon grace.

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Bible Class: "Junk Drawer Jesus"

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)


Each of us is the owner of a seemingly random collection of theologies, doctrines, and superstitions—a junk drawer of religious ideas and influences.

  • It’s the witticisms your grandmother tossed around with ease that sounded like they came from a religious text.

  • It’s an insight about God from a half-heard sermon at a friend’s church.

  • It’s the mental screenshot of a meme shared on social media.

  • It’s the empowering idea you underlined in a book and wrote on a Post-it Note now forever affixed to your laptop.

These are the things stuffed in our spiritual junk drawers. And as with that stash of old clothes in the closet or that stew of phone chargers, pens, and half-used batteries sitting in your kitchen drawer, something in us says, “This might be useful.” And so we hold on.

But should we? For many, this junk drawer spirituality has become burdensome. We are worn down by the religious experience it creates and frustrated by a collection of traditions, “truths,” and unfulfilled promises that continue to grow. In Junk Drawer Jesus, the spiritually exhausted are invited to examine our religious clutter and compare it to the person and the promises of Jesus Christ.

We’ll discover what—if anything—of our spiritual collection should be kept. In the process, we rediscover the soul-satisfying simplicity of a God who refuses to fill our lives with junk but instead offers grace upon grace.

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Bible Class: "Junk Drawer Jesus"

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)


Each of us is the owner of a seemingly random collection of theologies, doctrines, and superstitions—a junk drawer of religious ideas and influences.

  • It’s the witticisms your grandmother tossed around with ease that sounded like they came from a religious text.

  • It’s an insight about God from a half-heard sermon at a friend’s church.

  • It’s the mental screenshot of a meme shared on social media.

  • It’s the empowering idea you underlined in a book and wrote on a Post-it Note now forever affixed to your laptop.

These are the things stuffed in our spiritual junk drawers. And as with that stash of old clothes in the closet or that stew of phone chargers, pens, and half-used batteries sitting in your kitchen drawer, something in us says, “This might be useful.” And so we hold on.

But should we? For many, this junk drawer spirituality has become burdensome. We are worn down by the religious experience it creates and frustrated by a collection of traditions, “truths,” and unfulfilled promises that continue to grow. In Junk Drawer Jesus, the spiritually exhausted are invited to examine our religious clutter and compare it to the person and the promises of Jesus Christ.

We’ll discover what—if anything—of our spiritual collection should be kept. In the process, we rediscover the soul-satisfying simplicity of a God who refuses to fill our lives with junk but instead offers grace upon grace.

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Bible Class: "Junk Drawer Jesus"

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)


Each of us is the owner of a seemingly random collection of theologies, doctrines, and superstitions—a junk drawer of religious ideas and influences.

  • It’s the witticisms your grandmother tossed around with ease that sounded like they came from a religious text.

  • It’s an insight about God from a half-heard sermon at a friend’s church.

  • It’s the mental screenshot of a meme shared on social media.

  • It’s the empowering idea you underlined in a book and wrote on a Post-it Note now forever affixed to your laptop.

These are the things stuffed in our spiritual junk drawers. And as with that stash of old clothes in the closet or that stew of phone chargers, pens, and half-used batteries sitting in your kitchen drawer, something in us says, “This might be useful.” And so we hold on.

But should we? For many, this junk drawer spirituality has become burdensome. We are worn down by the religious experience it creates and frustrated by a collection of traditions, “truths,” and unfulfilled promises that continue to grow. In Junk Drawer Jesus, the spiritually exhausted are invited to examine our religious clutter and compare it to the person and the promises of Jesus Christ.

We’ll discover what—if anything—of our spiritual collection should be kept. In the process, we rediscover the soul-satisfying simplicity of a God who refuses to fill our lives with junk but instead offers grace upon grace.

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Bible Class: "Junk Drawer Jesus"

In-person (at church) + online (via Zoom)


Each of us is the owner of a seemingly random collection of theologies, doctrines, and superstitions—a junk drawer of religious ideas and influences.

  • It’s the witticisms your grandmother tossed around with ease that sounded like they came from a religious text.

  • It’s an insight about God from a half-heard sermon at a friend’s church.

  • It’s the mental screenshot of a meme shared on social media.

  • It’s the empowering idea you underlined in a book and wrote on a Post-it Note now forever affixed to your laptop.

These are the things stuffed in our spiritual junk drawers. And as with that stash of old clothes in the closet or that stew of phone chargers, pens, and half-used batteries sitting in your kitchen drawer, something in us says, “This might be useful.” And so we hold on.

But should we? For many, this junk drawer spirituality has become burdensome. We are worn down by the religious experience it creates and frustrated by a collection of traditions, “truths,” and unfulfilled promises that continue to grow. In Junk Drawer Jesus, the spiritually exhausted are invited to examine our religious clutter and compare it to the person and the promises of Jesus Christ.

We’ll discover what—if anything—of our spiritual collection should be kept. In the process, we rediscover the soul-satisfying simplicity of a God who refuses to fill our lives with junk but instead offers grace upon grace.

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